Best health , Wonderful life!

Do you ever have trouble in the fall likes cough; throat&nose itch; rash& skin sensitive and constipation?
In Chinese theory Dry pathogen are main killer in this season, it could drain off body fluid especially attacks fluid of lung.
So how should we do to prevent body fluid from dry pathogen?
It’s simple
Lotus root is first choice:  lotus root soup 
Asian pear,
Duck meat: Duck meat ball 
Rabbit meat: Game meat loaf 

 Easy step prevent you from hearing loss
·         Harmony your balance: pressure is dangerous killer in this world right now, such as hypertension, diabetes and most of new conditions triggered from it.
·         Avoid bad habits:  such as too much coffee, alcohol and smoking often aggravate symptom of hearing loss
·         Reduce fatty food: such as butter, caviar, fried food.
·         Eat more iron-rich food: seaweed, shrimp, jellyfish, black sesame, coriander, spinach.
·         Eat more foods containing zinc: such as fish, beef, chicken, eggs, all kinds of seafood, apples, oranges walnuts, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage, and radish.

Fertility relates to 3 organs which are Kidney, Liver and Spleen according Chinese Medicine theory. 
  • Kidney dominating development and reproduction, and uterine relates to kidney.
  • Liver storing blood and maintaining the free flow of Qi , embryo growing depends on blood nourishing .
  • Spleen governing transportation and transformation which likes blood and energy transportation to each part of body
so if we can recover those function, the problem will be resolved,  here is the list of supplement good for fertility in Chinese theory

  • Green bean, black bean, peanuts, Chinese vegetable
  • Beef, chicken liver, eggs, lamb, eel, sea cucumber, squid, shrimp 

Go to see Chinese Dr without make up
Chinese diagnosis has observation, smell, asking and pulse touch four processes.
Observation is a holistic inspection all over the body which likes starting from face, body shape and color.
For example finger nail relates to live if people suffer from anemia, their nail color are pale.
Therefore if you ‘re going to take acupuncture or herbs remedies , it’s better without make up